The boat “Cala San Vicente” will leave every day from Marina Lanzarote.

The organization of the “X Trofeo César Manrique – RCNA – Calero Marinas” and Líneas Romero, have reached a collaboration agreement, by which the shipping company based in La Graciosa, will provide to the fans the follow up of the regattas at no cost.


The races, in which more than 20 boats are expected to participate, will start the first race of each day at 11:00 am.


For this purpose, the boat “Cala San Vicente” will be available on Saturday 30 and Sunday 31, departing each day from pontoon “G” of Marina Lanzarote in Arrecife. Departures will be at 10:30 a.m. on both days with a return at 1:30 p.m.


Those interested in using the service should contact the organization by calling 637 038 456, providing their name, ID number and telephone number.


El evento náutico, que regresa 11 años después de su novena edición en 2010, cuenta con el patrocinio del Gobierno de Canarias, Islas Canarias – Latitud de Vida, Cabildo de Lanzarote, Lanzarote La Isla Diferente, European Sports Destination, Ayuntamiento de Arrecife y Naviera Armas.









Friday 29 at 20:00 – Skippers’ meeting at the RCNA

Saturday 30 at 11:00 – Attention signal for the first race of the day.

Sunday 31 at 11:00 – Attention signal for the first race of the day.

At 20:00 – Presentation of Trophies at the RCNA



ORC CLASS 0 to 4 (15 boats)

Butxaca Joaquín Blanco Roca RCN Gran Canaria

Felipeva IV Felipe del Rosario Montenegro RCN Gran Canaria

Sorcery Antonio Hernández Manchado Club Marítimo Varadero (GC)

Alpispa 2 Francisco José Olivares Club Marítimo Varadero (GC)

Hubara Jorge del Corral Club Marítimo Varadero (GC)

Apañero Yeray Suárez Salem Club Marítimo Varadero (GC)

Altamar I Francisco Curbelo RCN Arrecife

Lanzarote S P Ye Cabrera Morales RCN Arrecife

Pionene Miguel Pérez Cejas RCN Arrecife

Ferrer & García Pedro Ferrer Espino RCN Arrecife

Katanga Raymond Pattenden RCN Arrecife

Cachito Augusto Escolar Escuder RCN Arrecife

Alaia I Patricio Aldecoa RCN Arrecife

Salitre Felipe Brito Cañada RCN Arrecife

Sorondongo IV Miguel A. Armas Matallana RCN Arrecife


CLASS ORC E (8 embarcaciones)

Marujo Miguel Ángelo Da silva Sá Força 5 (Madeira – Portugal)

Lancelot Agustín Espinosa RCN Tenerife

Fontmar Ignacio Concepción Font RCN Tenerife

Saudade Héctor RCN Gran Canaria

Luna Doce Francisco Ricart Esteban Club Marítimo Varadero (GC)

Titilela Antonio Pérez CD Náutico Castillo del Águila (LTE)

Lausamar Jorge Sbert García Independiente

Min 49 José Juan Darías Mora Independiente


LÍNEAS ROMERO (1970 -2021)

Líneas Romero, based in La Graciosa, has a large and modern fleet of vessels that connect the islands of Lanzarote with La Graciosa and Fuerteventura on regular lines. It also has a varied program of excursions such as: I Love Papagayo, I Love La Graciosa, Encantos de Fuerteventura, I Love Sunset, Fuerteventura a tu aire, La Graciosa a tu aire, Lanzarote a tu aire and Volcano Express.

All the information on the different routes and excursions, as well as the purchase of tickets, are available at For a more personalized attention, please call 928 596 107.

Líneas Romero has customer service offices in the following locations on the different islands.


La Graciosa Pier – Caleta del Sebo



Órzola Pier




Avenida del Varadero 30 – Tías

Puerto del Carmen Pier



Playa Blanca Pier



Corralejo Pier


“Butxaca”, “Sorcery” and “Fontmar” winners of the Copa de Canarias among participants

Four days before the start of the races of the “X Trofeo César Manrique – RCNA – Calero Marinas“, 21 boats of the Cruiser class from the fleets of Gran Canaria, Tenerife, Madeira and Lanzarote, are pre-registered for their participation. se encuentran preinscritas para su participación. Participants must confirm their documentation by Friday 29th.

Among the pre-registered entries are Joaquín Blanco’s “Butxaca” from the RCN of Gran Canaria, Antonio Hernández’s “Sorcery” and the fleet of the Club Marítimo Varadero de Las Palmas, as well as “Fontmar” from the RCN of Tenerife and skippered by Ignacio Concepción. All of them winners of the “I Copa Canarias” in their respective classes, which ended last Sunday in Tenerife.


The following clubs will be represented: Força 5 de Madeira, Real Club Náutico de Gran Canaria, Real Club Náutico de Tenerife, Club Marítimo Varadero de Gran Canaria and Real Club Náutico de Arrecife.









The races of the “X Trofeo César Manrique – RCNA – Calero Marinas” will be held next Saturday and Sunday in the waters of Arrecife with the starting signal at 11:00 am for the first race of each day. The awards ceremony will be held at the RCNA on Sunday, October 31 at 8:00 pm.








The nautical event, which returns 11 years after its ninth edition in 2010, is sponsored by the Government of the Canary Islands, Islas Canarias – Latitud de Vida, Cabildo de Lanzarote, Lanzarote La Isla Diferente, European Sports Destination, Ayuntamiento de Arrecife and Naviera Armas.



ORC CLASS 0 to 4 (15 boats)

Butxaca RCN Gran Canaria

Felipeva IV RCN Gran Canaria

Sorcery Club Marítimo Varadero (GC)

Alpispa 2 Club Marítimo Varadero (GC)

Hubara Club Marítimo Varadero (GC)

Apañero Club Marítimo Varadero (GC)

Matador RCN Tenerife

Altamar I RCN Arrecife

Lanzarote Sailing Paradise RCN Arrecife

Pionene RCN Arrecife

Ferrer & García RCN Arrecife

Katanga RCN Arrecife

Alaia I RCN Arrecife

Salitre RCN Arrecife

Sorondongo IV RCN Arrecife


CLASE ORC E (8 embarcaciones)

Marujo Força 5 (Madeira – Portugal)

Lancelot RCN Tenerife

Fontmar RCN Tenerife

Saudade RCN Gran Canaria

Luna Doce Club Marítimo Varadero (GC)

Titilela Club Deportivo Náutico Castillo del Águila (LTE)

Lausamar Independiente

Min 49 Independiente

The X Trofeo César Manrique – RCNA – Calero Marinas, which expects to exceed 20 participating boats, was presented.

José Calero: “We want to resume something that Lanzarote deserves, for its nature, regatta course and sailors”.

Julio Romero: “It is a pride for the RCNA to participate in reviving what was the best regatta in the Canary Islands…”.

With the presentation made this morning at the Real Club Náutico de Arrecife, the “X Trofeo César Manrique – RCNA – Calero Marinas” sailing competition for the Cruiser class gets underway. The sporting event is organized by both entities that are part of the name of the event. It will be held from October 29 to 31 in the waters of Arrecife de Lanzarote.

The event was opened by the president of the RCNA, Julio Romero Ortega, who said: “it is a pride for the RCNA to participate in reviving what was the best regatta of the Canary Islands, which undoubtedly eleven years later will recover”.

He was followed by the president of Calero Marinas, José Calero Rodríguez, who emotionally reviewed the history and beginnings of the regatta.. “We gathered more than 3,000 people at the closing ceremony, today many of them are parents who were formed in the regatta. We intend to resume something that Lanzarote deserves, for its nature, race course and the level of our sailors”.. Calero highlighted the high level of his organizational team, in which he trusts to bring back the Cesar Manrique to what it was. The president of Calero Marinas took the opportunity to welcome the participation in the organization of Manuel Torres as coach of the RCNA and the Trophy, which already lived some of the previous editions held in Puerto Calero until 2010.

The Minister of Sports of the Cabildo de Lanzarote, Francisco Aparicio, highlighted the high level of the RCNA sailors and the experience of Calero Marinas in this type of events.

María Jesús Tovar, councilwoman of the City Council of Arrecife, offered the support of the capital, which will be strengthened both sportively and economically from this event that will bring together more than 200 people in Arrecife.

Together with the presidents of Calero Marinas and RCNA, the event was presided over by the Minister of Sports of the Cabildo of Lanzarote, Francisco Aparicio; the councilor of the City Council of Arrecife, María Jesús Tovar; the vice president of the Canary Sailing Federation, Felipe Brito and the president of the Cruising Class in Lanzarote, Ye Cabrer.


From the Cabildo of Lanzarote, its president María Dolores Corujo, who was represented by Aparicio Betancort, wanted to leave the message of the “relevance that one of the most important sporting competitions held in Lanzarote and that best fit with our Premium project for its ability to attract to the island a type of high-end tourism that respects the environment is named after the most decisive figure who fought most for the care and conservation of this land”.

Also, the Minister of Tourism Promotion, Angel Vazquez, conveyed his message of congratulations to the organizers “for the recovery of this nautical event of international prestige that has the sponsorship of Lanzarote Tourism through the European Sports Destination brand for its important contribution to the projection of the island as a tourist destination of world reference linked to the sport.

The organization expects the participation of more than 20 local boats and from other islands, which will serve as a preamble to the XI edition that is scheduled to be held from August 18 to 21, 2022.

Carrying out an event of this level would not be possible without the strong collaboration in the form of sponsorship provided by: Government of the Canary Islands, Canary Islands – Latitud de Vida, Cabildo de Lanzarote, Lanzarote La Isla Diferente, European Sports Destination, Arrecife City Council and Naviera Armas – Trasmediterránea.